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About Our Studio

Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc. Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta.

About Us

Professional Yoga Instruction

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Years in The Business

Happy Students

Offered Courses

Studio Locations

Our 5 Core Values

The work atmosphere in Empower Pragati is lively, challenging and inspiring. We are a 1500+ strong team which is spread across the length and breadth of the country. Progressive HR systems for hiring, appraisal, training and career planning are in place. Employees are given responsibility and growth based on their interest, enthusiasm and performance and not necessarily based on years of experience. Ownership is key! We strongly believe that all this is needed to make our MISSION true.


This value is about creating a culture of inclusiveness and treating everyone with dignity, regardless of their background or beliefs. This includes listening to others, valuing diverse perspectives, and showing empathy towards others.


Effective planning is key to achieving success. This value emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, developing strategies to achieve those goals, and being organized and prepared in your approach.


Open and honest communication is critical for building trust and maintaining strong relationships. This value requires that you be straightforward in your dealings with others and be transparent about your actions and decisions.


Making a positive difference in the world is a core component of this value. Whether it’s through your work, community involvement, or other endeavors, this value encourages you to strive for meaningful change and make a tangible impact on the world around you.

Super Pumpedness

This value is about maintaining a high level of energy and enthusiasm for what you do. Whether you’re tackling a new project, working with a team, or pursuing your passions, this value encourages you to bring a positive and energetic approach to everything you do.


Join the Community

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Antonio Compbell

Student, Yoga Studio

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Helena Smith

Studio Manager, Yoga Studio

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Isabella Edwards Compbell

Studio Manager, Yoga Studio

Ready to Make a Change?

Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc. Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc.

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